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J Paul Hendricks


United States



SEO is not my profession but I’ve done it for my own businesses and projects for years. My career has focused on the fintech space, yet I’ve been doing digital first projects and startups for over 2 decades. I currently have a small portfolio of sites and partnership/investments in others.

Last year, I also launched a micro saas, SERP Sonar, which enables data mining and analysis of the Google search engine results page. It’s a free Chrome extension that is founded on two basic ideas:

1) there are untapped and actionable insights hidden within SERP data, and
2) bulk keyword research and competitor analysis tools often sacrifice precision for scale.

Put another way, a careful and detailed review of the SERP usually reveals things that the ‘pro’ tools miss.

I look forward to meeting and learning from new people here in the Niche Pursuits community! Thanks!